CK-12-Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

3.1. Discrete Random Variables


  1. Match the following statements from the first column with the probability values in the second column.


Probability Statement P(X)
a. The probability of this event will never occur. P(X) = 1. 0
b. The probability of this event is highly likely. P(X) = 0. 33
c. The probability of this event is very likely. P(X) = 0. 67
d. The probability of this event is somewhat likely. P(X) = 0. 00
e. The probability of this event is certain. P(X) = 0. 95

  1. Match the following statements from the first column with the probability values in the second column.


Probability Statement P(X)
a. I bought a ticket for the State Lottery. The probabil-
ity of a successful event (winning) is likely to be:

P(X) = 0. 80

b. I have a bag of equal numbers of red and green jelly
beans. The probability of reaching into the bag and
picking out a red jelly bean is likely to be:

P(X) = 0. 50

c. My dad teaches math, and my mom teaches chem-
istry. The probability that I will be expected to study
science or math is likely to be:

P(X) = 0. 67

d. Our class has the highest test scores in the State Math
Exams. The probability that I have scored a great mark
is likely to be:

P(X) = 1. 0

e. The Chicago baseball team has won every game this
season. The probability that the team will make it to the
playoffs is likely to be:

P(X) = 0. 01

  1. Read each of the following statements and match the following words to each statement. You can put your
    answers directly into the table. Here is the list of terms you can add:

    • certain or sure

    • impossible

    • likely or probable

    • unlikely or improbable

    • maybe

    • uncertain or unsure


Statement Probability Term
Tomorrow is Friday.
I will be in New York on Friday.
It will be dark tonight.
It is snowing in August!
China is cold in January.
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