Peoples Physics Book Version-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

11.4. Examples

11.4 Examples

Example 1

Question: The effectivekof a diving board is 800N/m (we say effective because it bends in the direction of motion
instead of stretching like a spring, but otherwise behaves the same). A pudgy diver is bouncing up and down at the
end of the diving board. The y vs. t graph is shown below.

a) What is the distance between the lowest and the highest point of oscillation?

b) What is the y-position and velocity of the diver att=2?

c) What is the diver’s mass?

d) Write the sinusoidal equation of motion for the diver.


a) As we can see from the graph the highest point is 2m and the lowest point is−2m. Therefore the distance is


b) To find the y-position we will use the equation

y=yi+Acos( 2 πf(t−ti))

First we must solve for the frequency. We know that




From the graph we know that the period is 2 seconds, so the frequency is^12 hz. All we need to do now is plug in the
values to find the position att=2.

y=yi+Acos( 2 πf(t−ti)) = 0 + 2 ×cos(
2 π
( 2 − 0 ) = 2 ×cosπ× 2 =4m

To find the velocity we take the equation

v=− 2 πf Asin( 2 πf(t−ti))

and plug in the known values.

v=− 2 πf Asin( 2 πf(t−ti)) =
− 2 π

2 π

(2s−0s) = 3 .0m/s
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