Peoples Physics Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 16. Light

square container of the liquid, the sides of which are made of transparent thin plastic. In addition you have a
screen, laser, ruler and protractors. Design the experiment. Give a detailed procedure; include a diagram of
the experiment. Tell which equations you would use and give some sample calculations. Finally, tell in detail
what level of accuracy you can expect and explain the causes of lab error in order of importance.

Answers to Selected Problems

  1. b. vacuum air c. 1. 96 × 108 m/s

    1. 99 × 10 −^7 m; 5. 26 × 10 −7 m

  2. 25◦

  3. b. 11.4 m c. 11.5 m

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