Peoples Physics Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 17. Fluids

  1. A SCUBA diver descends deep into the ocean. Calculate the water pressure at each of the following depths.
    a. 15 m.
    b. 50 m.
    c. 100 m.

  2. Ouch! You stepped on my foot! That is, you put a force of 550 N in an area of 9 cm^2 on the tops of my feet!
    a. What was the pressure on my feet?
    b. What is the ratio of this pressure to atmospheric pressure?

Answers to Selected Problems

  1. a. 83,000 Pa b. 104 N c. 110 N

  2. a. 248 kPa b. 591 kPa c. 1081 kPa

  3. a. 611 kPa b. 6 atm


In these lessons students will learn how the pressure of a fluid is related to depth, how hydraulic press’ work and
Archemides principle relating buoyancy force to the amount of displaced fluid.
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