CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 7. Sampling Distributions and Estimations

If you so desire, you can transfer this data into your own table:


Number Not Registered Probability
0 0. 72893
1 0. 23982
2 0. 02959
3 0. 00162
4 0. 00003

Lesson Summary

In this lesson you have learned that the random variableXhas a binomial distribution ifXrepresents the number of
“successes” innindependent trials. In each of these trials, the probability of success isp. You have also learned that
a binomial distribution has these important features:

  • The probability of getting exactlyX=ksuccesses is given by the formula

P(X=k) =




pk( 1 −p)n−k

  • The mean or expected value is represented by

E(X) =n p=μx

  • The standard deviation is


n p( 1 −p)

Review Questions

  1. According to the Canadian census of 2006, the median annual family income for families in Nova Scotia is
    $56,400. [Source: Stats ]. Consider a random sample of 24 Nova Scotia households.

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