CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

12.2. The Rank Sum Test and Rank Correlation


Women Working Outside the Home Women Working Outside the Home
27 13
31 16
33 17
34 18
35 19
39 21
40 22
44 25
46 26
49 29
58 33
61 34
63 35
64 36
70 39
R= 408 R= 408


Women Not Working Outside the Home Women Not Working Outside the Home
Score Rank
10 2
15 5
17 6
18 7
23 10
24 11
25 12
28 14
30 15
37 20
41 23
42 24
47 27
48 28
52 30
55 31
56 32
65 37
69 38
71 40
R= 412 R= 412

Do these two groups of women have significantly different views on the issue?


Since each of our samples has 20 observations, we need to calculate the standardz-score to test the hypothesis that
these independent samples came from the same population. To calculate thez-score, we need to first calculate the

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