CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5.78. Magnets

Figure5.169. The lines of force of north and south poles attract each other whereas those of two north poles repel
each other. The animations at the following URL show how magnetic field lines change as two or more magnets
move in relation to each other.

FIGURE 5.169


  • A magnet is an object that attracts certain materials such as iron. All magnets have north and south magnetic
    poles. The poles are regions where the magnet is strongest.

  • The force that a magnet exerts is called magnetic force. The force is exerted over a distance and includes
    forces of attraction and repulsion. A magnet can exert force over a distance because the magnet is surrounded
    by a magnetic field.


  • magnet: Object that attracts ferromagnetic materials such as iron.

  • magnetic field: Area around a magnet where it exerts magnetic force.

  • magnetic force: Force of attraction or repulsion exerted by a magnet.

  • magnetic pole: North or south end of a magnet where the magnet exerts the most force.

Explore More

At the following URL, take the animated quiz to check your understanding of magnetic field interactions. http://e


  1. What is a magnet?

  2. Describe the magnetic poles of a bar magnet.

  3. Explain why a magnet can exert force over a distance.

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