1.34. Safety in Science http://www.ck12.org
1.34 Safety in Science
- Identify the meaning of lab safety symbols.
- List rules for staying safe in the lab.
- State what to do in case of accidents in the lab or field.
Research in physical science can be exciting, but it also has potential dangers. For example, the field scientist in this
photo is collecting water samples from treatment ponds. There are many microorganisms in the water that could
make him sick. The water and shore can also be strewn with dangerous objects such as sharp can lids and broken
glass bottles that could cause serious injury. Whether in the field or in the lab, knowing how to stay safe in science
is important.
Safety Symbols
Lab procedures and equipment may be labeled with safety symbols. These symbols warn of specific hazards, such
as flames or broken glass. Learn the symbols so you will recognize the dangers. Then learn how to avoid them.
Many common safety symbols are shown below.