Chapter 1. Introduction to Physical Science
1.2 Scientific Induction
- Define inductive reasoning.
- Describe how inductive reasoning is used in science.
- Explain why inductive reasoning cannot prove conclusively that an idea is true.
The man in this photo is a police detective. He’s examining and gathering clues that may help solve a crime. Based
on all of the clues he finds, he may be able to conclude who committed the crime. Doing science is similar to solving
crimes. It also involves gathering evidence and drawing conclusions. Both solving crimes and doing science use
inductive reasoning.
What Is Inductive Reasoning?
Inductive reasoningis the process of drawing general conclusions based on many clues, or pieces of evidence.
Many crimes are solved using inductive reasoning. It is also the hallmark of science and the basis of the scientific
Q:How might the police detective pictured above use inductive reasoning to solve the crime?
A:The detective might gather clues that provide evidence about the identity of the person who committed the
crime. For example, he might find fingerprints or other evidence left behind by the perpetrator. The detective might
eventually find enough clues to be able to conclude the identity of the most likely suspect.
Inductive Reasoning in Science
A simple example will help you understand how inductive reasoning works in science. Suppose you grew up on a
planet named Quim, where there is no gravity. In fact, assume you’ve never even heard of gravity. You travel to Earth
(on a student exchange program) and immediately notice things are very different here than on your home planet.