CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.27. Amontons’ Law

  1. How can you tell that air pressure inside the can is lower after the can cools?


  1. State Amontons’ law.

  2. Assume you have a sealed jug that contains only air. If you heat the air in the jug, it will have a higher
    temperature. What other property of the air will also change?

  3. A father does a classic experiment for his son, which is pictured in theFigure2.50. First, he put a small piece
    of paper in a glass bottle and lit the paper with a match. He immediately placed a shelled, hard-boiled egg
    over the bottle opening. The paper soon burned out, and after a few seconds, the egg slipped inside the bottle.
    Apply Amontons’ law to explain why.

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