CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.31. Neutrons


  • neutron: Electrically neutral atomic particle inside the nucleus of an atom.

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Read the article on neutrons at the following URL, and then complete the fill-in statements below.

  1. _____ are created when you change the normal number of neutrons in an atom.

  2. If many neutrons are added to an atom, it becomes _____.

  3. Extra neutrons may be knocked out of the nucleus during the process of _____.

  4. The only element that normally lacks neutrons is _____.


  1. What is a neutron?

  2. Compare and contrast neutrons and protons.

  3. Explain how isotopes of an element differ from one another. Give an example.

  4. Identify the fundamental particles that make up a neutron.

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