2.33. Fundamental Particles http://www.ck12.org
2.33 Fundamental Particles
- Outline the search for fundamental particles.
- Compare and contrast quarks, leptons, and bosons.
- Relate bosons to the four fundamental forces.
- Describe the standard model.
Who says scientists don’t have a sense of humor? Look at the odd names and images in this chart. Do you have any
idea what they represent? Would it surprise you to learn that they represent the most fundamental particles of matter?
In fact, particles with funny names like charm quarks and strange quarks make up all the matter in the universe. For
an excellent video introduction to fundamental particles inside the atom, go to this URL:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi91qyjuknM (7:44)
Click image to the left for use the URL below.
URL: http://www.ck12.org/flx/render/embeddedobject/54893
The Search for Fundamental Particles
Scientists have long wanted to find the most basic building blocks of the universe. They asked, “what are the
fundamental particlesof matter that cannot be subdivided into smaller, simpler particles,” and “what holds these