3.30. Carbon Monomers and Polymers http://www.ck12.org
- monomer: Small molecule that forms covalent bonds with other small molecules to produce a large molecule
called a polymer. - polymer: Large molecule that consists of many smaller molecules, called monomers, joined together by
covalent bonds.
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Watch the video about polymers at the following URL, and then answer the questions below.
Click image to the left for use the URL below.
URL: http://www.ck12.org/flx/render/embeddedobject/82368
- Define the two parts of the word polymer, and give a literal definition of polymer.
- Describe two properties of polymers that depend on their long-chain structure.
- Name three items that consist of or contain polymers.
- Define polymer and monomer.
- Describe an example of a natural carbon polymer.
- What are some uses of synthetic carbon polymers?