Chapter 3. Chemical Interactions
3.37 Carbohydrate Classification
- Define carbohydrate.
- Describe sugars and their role in living things.
- Identify starches and their sources.
- Outline the structure and functions of cellulose.
The fluffy white fibers on this plant look like cotton balls because that’s what they are. The plant is a cotton plant,
and the fibers are used to make cotton fabric. Cotton fibers consist of one of the most common compounds on
Earth: cellulose. Cellulose is a biochemical compound found in all plants. It belongs to the class of biochemical
compounds called carbohydrates.
What are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydratesare one of four classes of biochemical compounds. The other three classes are proteins, lipids, and
nucleic acids. In addition to cellulose, carbohydrates include sugars and starches. Carbohydrate molecules contain
atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Living things use carbohydrates mainly for energy. For more in-depth
information on carbohydrates, you may want to watch the videos at these URLs:
Q:Which carbohydrates do you use for energy?