1.17 Technology Careers
1.17 Technology Careers
- Describe the general career of engineer.
- Identify specific engineering careers.
Did you ever wonder who thinks up the designs for roller coasters like this one, or how a roller coaster is built? There
are more than 100 large amusement parks in the U.S., and they compete to have the fastest or tallest coasters that
give the most thrilling ride. Each year, many of the parks install new roller coasters. Each new coaster is designed
for its specific location and the park’s needs. Then it is custom built.
Technology Professionals
Companies that design and build roller coasters employ a range of technology professionals. Technology is the
application of science to real-world problems. Professionals in technology are generally calledengineers. Engineers
are creative problem solvers. They use math and science to design and develop just about everything—from roller
coasters to video games.
Q:Whether engineers are designing and developing roller coasters or video games, they need many of the same
skills and the same basic knowledge. What skills and knowledge do you think all engineers might need?
A:All engineers need basic knowledge of math and science, particularly physical science. For example, to design
and build a roller coaster, they would need to know about geometry, as well as forces and motion, which are important