Chapter 5. Energy
- refraction: Bending of waves as they enter a new medium at an angle and change speed.
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Have you ever seen a mirage? At the following URL, explore how refraction forms a mirage. Then fill in the blanks
in the paragraph below using the terms provided.
A mirage occurs because light passes through air that varies in __. When light passes to a less dense
medium, its speed __. This causes __, in which the rays of light __. Your brain
interprets the image as a __ from __. The image you think you see is the __.
Terms: bend, density, increases, mirage, reflection, refraction, water
- You may have heard that the speed of light is constant. Is this true? Why or why not?
- What is the refraction of light? When and why does it occur?
- Draw a diagram to show how visible light refracts when it passes from air to diamond.