CK-12 Geometry - Second Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4.3. Triangle Congruence using SSS and SAS

16.Given:AB∼=DC,AC∼=DBProve: 4 ABC∼= 4 DCB


Statement Reason

    1. Reflexive PoC

  1. 4 ABC∼= 4 DCB 3.

17.Given:Bis a midpoint ofDCAB⊥DCProve: 4 ABD∼= 4 ABC


Statement Reason
1.Bis a midpoint ofDC,AB⊥DC 1.

    1. Definition of a midpoint
      3.^6 ABDand^6 ABCare right angles 3.

    1. All right angles are∼=

  1. 4 ABD∼= 4 ABC 6.

Write a two-column proof for the given information below.

18.Given:ABis an angle bisector of^6 DACAD∼=ACProve: 4 ABD∼= 4 ABC

19.Given:Bis the midpoint ofDCAD∼=ACProve: 4 ABD∼= 4 ABC
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