Chapter 7. Similarity
- Repeat Step 1 and construct another triangle with sides 12 cm and 8 cm and the included angle is 45◦.
- Measure the other two angles in both triangles. What do you notice?
- Measure the third side in each triangle. Make a ratio. Is this ratio the same as the ratios of the sides you were
SAS Similarity Theorem: If two sides in one triangle are proportional to two sides in another triangle and the
included angle in the first triangle is congruent to the included angle in the second, then the two triangles are similar.
In other words,
IfXYAB=ACX Zand^6 A∼=^6 X, then 4 ABC∼4XY Z.
Example 3:Are the two triangles similar? How do you know?
Solution:^6 B∼=^6 Zbecause they are both right angles. Second,^1015 =^2436 because they both reduce to^23. Therefore,
X Z=
ZYand^4 ABC∼4X ZY.
Notice with this example that we can find the third sides of each triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem. If we were
to find the third sides,AC=39 andXY=26. The ratio of these sides is^2639 =^23.