Chapter 9. Chemistry of Carbon
TABLE9.1: Carbon atoms can be arranged in any of these three ways. How does the arrangement
of atoms affect the properties of the substances formed?
Structure Description
Diamond crystal
Diamond is a form of carbon
in which each carbon atom is
bonded to four other carbon atoms.
This forms a strong, rigid, three-
dimensional structure. Diamond is
the hardest natural substance. It is
used for cutting and grinding tools
as well as for rings and other pieces
of jewelry.
This metal cutter has a diamond
Graphite is a form of carbon in
which carbon atoms are arranged in
layers. Bonds are strong between
carbon atoms within each layer but
relatively weak between atoms in
different layers. The weak bonds
between layers allow the layers to
slide over one another. This makes
graphite relatively soft and slippery.
It is used as a lubricant. It also
makes up the "lead" in pencils.
A fullerene (also called a bucky-
ball) is a form of carbon in which
carbon atoms are arranged in hol-
low spheres. Each carbon atom
is bonded to three others by sin-
gle covalent bonds. The pattern of
atoms resembles the pattern on the
surface of a soccer ball. Fullerenes
were first discovered in 1985. They
have been found in soot and me-
teorites. Possible commercial uses
of fullerenes are under investiga-
tion. To learn how this form of
carbon got its funny names, go
to this URL: http://www.universet