CK-12 Physical Science - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

25.3. Generating and Using Electricity

25.3 Generating and Using Electricity

Lesson Objectives

  • Describe electromagnetic induction.

  • Explain how electric generators and transformers work.

  • State the roles of generators and transformers in electrifying the home.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • electric generator

  • electric transformer

  • electromagnetic induction

  • Faraday’s law


You probably use many electric devices every day, including lights and appliances such as hair dryers and mi-
crowaves. Where does the electricity come from to power these devices? The answer is magnetic fields.

From Magnets to Electricity

Just about a decade after Oersted discovered that electric current produces a magnetic field, an English scientist
named Michael Faraday discovered that the reverse is also true. A magnetic field produces an electric current, as
long as the magnetic field is changing. This is calledFaraday’s law.

Electromagnetic Induction

The process of generating electric current with a changing magnetic field is calledelectromagnetic induction. It
occurs whenever a magnetic field and an electric conductor, such as a coil of wire, move relative to one another. As
long as the conductor is part of a closed circuit, current will flow through it whenever it crosses magnetic field lines.
One way this can happen is pictured inFigure25.9. It shows a magnet moving inside a wire coil. Another way is
for the coil to move instead of the magnet.

You can watch an animated version ofFigure25.9 at this URL:

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