Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1
As the owner and host of Infernal Rapture, Mahadi

takes his responsibilities very seriously. Every patron

that enters the demiplane that houses his establishment

must sign an infernal contract. It presents a ve ry simple

arrangement stipulating that patrons must pay for every-

thing consumed and all services used before they leave.

Mahadi employs many servants, each of them under

the effect of a geas spell to provide the best service they

possibly can and appear happy while they work. Most of

these individuals are former patrons.

Upon entry into Infernal Rapture, guests are escorted

to a private chamber where they may lounge on pillows,

cushions, and divans as they place orders for extrava-

gant dishes from across the planes of existence and en-

joy a variety of spa services that range from the simple

and mundane to the exotic and bizarre.

S ince Infernal Rapture exists in a demiplane, it

doesn't technically reside in the Nine Hells. If someone

wanted to meet with creatures unable or unwilling to

travel to the Nine Hells (or even just Avernus), this es-

tablishment provides a possible meeting location. Of
course, entrance to the demiplane must be negotiated
with Mahadi, with the promise of appropriate payment.

Each chamber that exists inside Infernal Rapture

is created for a specific purpose. When that purpose

ends and the occupants of the chamber leave, that room

ceases to exist unless Mahadi deems otherwise.

Dining Services. The dining menu at Infernal Rap-

ture changes daily, providing a fixed-price selection.

Sample menus are provided as player handouts in ap-

pendix E. A full meal costs one sou/ coin. Unlike food

consumed elsewhere in Avernus, which is uniformly
terrible, the food at Infernal Rapture tastes delicious.

Special food requests can be filled, but they must

be made weeks in advance and can be costly. Mahadi

charges from five to ten soul coins for an exotic request,

depending on the difficulty involved in fulfilling it. Con-

suming a meal at Infernal Rapture has the same ben-

efits as a heroes' feast spell, with the added effect that

those who eat the food have disadvantage on Wisdom

(Insight) checks made against Mahadi.
Spa Services. Infernal Rapture offers a variety of spa

services. Light spa amenities (body, foot, and hand treat-

ments, massage therapy, skin care, general grooming

and bathing) are included along with the standard din-

ing menu at no additional expense.

Specialty services include dream therapy, whole body

restoration, and longevity therapy, as well as a host of

services for every appetite, both wholesome and degen-

erate. Each of these services costs an additional sou/

coin. Mahadi consistently and laboriously upsells fur-

ther services to clients at additional expense. He seeks

to take possession of such individuals and make them

permanent residents of Avernus.


This establishment is run by three salamanders named

Rassh, Skids, and Slagg. The salamanders owe Ma-

hadi a debt for taking them in and secreting them away

after a bold escape from Bel's Forge. They operate as

indentured servants, maintaining Mahadi's infernal war

machines while also crafting wares for sale to visitors.

From time to time, Mahadi sends them abroad to pro-

cure parts to refurbish the caravan. Nine magmins and

eight suits of animated a rmor assist.the salamanders

with their work.

The salamanders' infernal war machine has been cob-

bled together from a half dozen others. At a moment's

notice, the vehicle can separate into three smaller

infernal war machines, each piloted by one of the sala-

manders. Treat these smaller vehicles as Tormentors

(see page 218).

Weapons and Armor. All metal armor and weapons

listed in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook a re avail-

able for sale at this shop, at a 150 percent markup.

Infernal War Machine R ep air. The salamanders can

repair a damaged but functional infernal war machine

at a cost of 50 gp per hit point restored.


Burney appears as a cheerful, well-kept Calishite

woman. She provides all services any proficient barber

m ight, up to and including medical attention for those

with injuries or ailments. For healing purposes, t reat

Burney as though she has the Healer feat as well as pro-

ficiency with both the healer's kit and the herbalism kit.

While she works, Burney tells all manner of sto-

ries, making them up as she goes along, but always

with a moral at the end. Burney's stories might point

toward an achievable objective, if the customer is of

good alignment and inclined to take direction from the

chatty barber.

Burney is, in fact. an ancient copper dragon named

Balarystul. Burney resides in Avernus on direct assign-

ment from Babamut, keeping an eye out for signs of in-

creased activity among Tiamat's followers. After the last

time the queen of evil dragons tried to escape the Nine

Hells, those who oppose her are taking no chances. Bur-

ney is particularly interested in any information about

the activities of Arkhan the Cruel (see page 111).

Burney has received several blessings in her service

to Bahamut:

  • Unless Burney decided otherwise, once any creature

less powerful than a deity has taken three steps from

her, they can no longer remember her or having inter-

acted with her specifically.

Burney is under the effect of a permanent mind blank

spell, and cannot be detected by magical or mundane

means unless she wishes it. In exchange for this bless-

ing, Burney can take no direct action against the deni-

zens of the Nine Hells, though she can certainly enlist

the help of those who can.

• Burney always knows the location of the Wandering

Emporium and can transport herself there as though

by a word of recall spell. This explains why Burney

simply seems to appear amid the fully deployed mar-

ketplace each morning it is active to provide service
and tell stories.

• Once each day, when Burney so desires, she can in-

stantly transport herself to the court ofBahamut via a

powerful blessing akin to the plane shift spell.


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