Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1

jhessa is steadfast in her faith that Lathander hears

the prayer and believes it's just a matter of time before

Zariel appears. If she meets the characters,Jhessa uses

her spells to heal and bolster them, hoping they can pro-

tect her congregation long enough for Zariel to arrive.

If the forces of Yeenoghu enter the temple, Jhessa puts

herself between any threat and the commoners within,

giving her life if necessary.


The following events occur in sequence as soon as the

characters arrive in ldyllglen.


When the characters arrive in ldyllglen (at area 11), the

following encounters occur simultaneously:

Six gnolls surround and attack the characters.

Six dretches on Idyll Road (area 11) claw at an over-

turned cart covering Ella Deepwell, a neutral female

human commoner.

A giant hye na attacks a mastiff near the statue of

Zariel (area 12).

A hezrou pounds on the door to the temple of

Lathander (area 13), trying to force its way inside.

Have the players roll initiative for their characters,

then roll initiative for the gnolls, dretches, giant hyena,

mastiff, and hezrou. All the gnolls act on the same initia-

tive count, and all the dretches act together as well. Ella

doesn't participate in the combat.

Gnolls. The gnolls fight to the death, cackling mania-

cally aJI the while.

Cart and Dretches. The cart is a Large object with

AC 15, 27 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy-

chic damage. A creature can use an action to attempt to

Lift the cart, doing so with a successful DC 15 Strength

(Athletics) check.

If the dretches destroy the cart, they attack Ella Deep-
welJ. If she dies, the dretches attack the characters.
If the characters attack the dretches, the dretches turn

to fight them, ignoring the cart. Once the dretches are

destroyed, Ella emerges from the cart, thanks the char-

acters, and flees to safety.

Giant Hyena and Mastiff. If the characters don't in-

tervene, the giant hyena turns its attention to the charac-

ters after killing the mastiff. If the characters attack the

giant hyena, it ignores the mastiff and turns to face the

bigger threat, fighting to the death.

The mastiff stays with the characters if they rescue it,

using the Help action to distract enemies in combat. A

character who makes a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Ani-

mal Handling) check can convince the mastiff to stay out

of the fight and find shelter.

Hezrou. On its turn, the demon tries to force open

the temple doors, doing so with a successful DC 20

Strength (Athletics) check. If the hezrou forces open the

doors to the temple, it begins attacking the people inside

on its next turn. If the characters attack the hezrou or it

kills all the creatures in the temple, it turns its attention

toward the characters.

Next Event. When only one of the characters' enemies

remains, proceed with event 2.



This event overlaps with the end of the previous event.

When it begins, read the following to the players:

A chorus of screams rises up as people, sheep, and pigs
scamper through the town, chased by a demon with the
lower body of a great serpent and the upper body of a
six-armed gnoll clutching a wicked sword in each ofits
clawed hands.

The terrified animals and townsfolk dart through

ldyllglen, chased by Garoknul, a unique demon in the

service of Yeenoghu. Use the marilith stat block to

represent Garoknul. The fleeing beasts and townsfolk

disappear when they reach the edge of the map. Garok-

nut stops its chase to battle the characters. If reduced to

50 hit points or fewer, Garoknul uses its next action to

teleport away.

Next Event. When Garoknul leaves the area or dies,

proceed with event 3.


This event begins as the previous one ends. Read the

following boxed text to the players:

Five guards wielding spears advance from the north.
Splattered head-to-toe with black ichor, they gaze at you
with hungry eyes.

The five human gu ards are named Caladra Telmaster,

Esselyn Xharn,Jai Wen, Tai Hannefar, and Yaerklos

Summerlast. Their armor is covered in the ichor ofYee-

noghu's demons. The ichor has driven the guards mad,

making them hunger for humanoid flesh. When they

notice the characters, the guards attack.

If a character kills a guard, Lulu's mind attempts to

punish the character. That character must succeed on a

DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or gain I level of exhaus-

tion as Lulu's mind saps the character's energy.

A guard's madness can be cured with a dispel evil and

good, greater restoration, or remove curse spell. Guards

who are cured of their madness thank the characters

and explain that they were battling demons in the fields

when they suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to con-

sume humanoid flesh. These guards are eager to return

to the battle in the fields, disappearing as they pass

through the hazy border.

Next Event. After the characters deal with the guards,

proceed with event 4.


This event begins with Yael telepathically contacting the


A woman's voice enters your mind. "Nice work. Take
a break. You've got an hour before the really bad stuff
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