Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1

ones end with a bang. The climax of Baldur's

Gate: Descent into Avernus comes when the

characters try to redeem Zariel, save Elturel,

or both. This chapter sets out some of the

most likely ways for these events to happen.
As with all DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adven-

tures, a host of other outcomes are possible,

so feel free to let the story e volve beyond the
suggested endings outlined in this c hapter.
If the characters don't want to save Elturel, they don't
need to. However, if they intend to save El tu rel, the play-

ers should be aware that this is a twofold task:

Elturel must be freed from the chains that bind it

to Avernus.

• Elturel must be returned to the Material Plane.

Though some of tbe actions the characters can take

will accomplish both these tasks at once. others will

solve only half the problem.



The characters could give Zariel more power to rule

Avernus, or they could support one of the archdevil's

enemies in a bid to unseat her. They could also try to

destroy Zariel, creating a power vacuum that throws
Avernus into disarray. Whatever the outcome, the char-

acters are poised to help write cosmic history.


In this outcome, the adventurers entreat the archdevil to
redeem he r angelic soul and take up her celestial mantle

once more. Even though Zariel has fallen. there remains

a faint glimmer of hope for her salvation. A fragment of

the devil's former self still lingers within her sword, but

inspiring Zariel to reverse the course of her destiny is

not as easy as simply handing her the blade.


To redeem Zariel, the characters must possess the

Sword ofZariel. Bringing the sword within^10 feet of

Zariel causes the weapon to glow brighter. then levitate

to hover before her. Confronted with the last fragment

of her angelic spark, Zariel faces an internal struggle. In

this moment, the characters have a chance to help the
archdevil return to the light.

One of the characters must present Zariel with the

argument to rejoin the celestial host, then make a DC^25
Charisma (Persuasion) check. If th e check is successful,
Zariel is convinced to grasp th e sword and accept its

angelic spark back into her soul. The DC of this check

is reduced by 5 for each of the following NPCs that are

present when the characters try to redeem Zariel:
Lulu. If Lulu is with the characters, the hollyphant re-
gains all of her spellcasting abilities and weeps for

what Zariel has become. Zariel feels sorrow as she re-

members Lulu's friendship. lfZariel is redeemed, Lulu

once again serves as Zariel's friend and mount.

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