to Trilena andthe othertownsfolk, the Redbrandstook
Thel's wifeandchildren to theirsecret hideout.)
- Pip,Toblen'syoungson:"Qelline Alderleaf's son
Carpsaidhe founda secret tunnel in the woods,but
Redbrands almost caught him."(See the "Alderleaf
Farm" section for more information.) - Freda, a weaver: "TheRedbrands hassle everybusiness
in town,exceptfor the PhandalinMiner's Exchange.
Theydon'twanttrouble withHaliaThornton, whoruns
it." (Seethe "PhandalinMiner's Exchange" section for
These leadsshould pointthe characterstoward
opportunities for adventure in andaround Phandalin. In
addition, anyNPCat the inn cantell the charactersthat
the Redbrandsfrequent the SleepingGiant tap houseat
the eastendof town-and thatthe ruffiansare trouble.
Barthen's is the biggesttrading postin Phandalin. Its
shelves stockmostordinary goods andsupplies, including
backpacks, bedrolls, rope,andrations. Theplaceis open
fromsunup to sundown.Barthen's doesnot stockweapons
or armor, but characters canpurchase otheradventuring
gearhere,withthe exception of itemsthatcostmore
than 25 gp. (Forprices, see"Adventuring Gear"in the
rulebook.) Characters in needof weapons or armorare
directed to the LionshieldCoster (seethatsection).
Theproprietor is Elmar Barthen, a lean andbalding
human male shopkeeper of fiftyyears witha kindly
manner. He employsa coupleyoungclerks(Anderand
Thistle) whohelploadandunloadwagons, andwhowait
on customers whenBarthen isn'taround.
Deliveringthe Supplies. If the characters beganplay
withthe "MeetMe in Phandalin" adventure hook,their
orders are to deliverthe wagonof supplies to Barthen's.
Barthen paysthe agreed amount (10 gp to eachcharacter)
andtakes possession of the wagonandits supplies.If
the characterstell himof Gundren Rockseeker's capture,
Barthen is saddened by the newsandencourages the
partyto findandrescue the dwarf.He considersGundren
a friendandwasexcitedby talkof discovering the lost
mine of the Phandelver'sPactin the nearbyhills.If the
partyhasn't already learned details of the minefrom
Sildar Hallwinter, a character whosucceeds on a DC 15
Intelligence (History) check canrelate the information
fromthe first twoparagraphs of the "Background"section
at the startof the adventure.
Barthen alsomentions thattwomoreRockseeker
brothers, Nundro andTharden, are campedsomewhere
outside town.Barthen hasn't seen them in a ten dayand
expects the brothersto return"anydaynow"to resupply.
What Barthen doesn't knowis thatTharden is deadand
Nundro is a prisonerin the mine.Seepart4, the "Wave
EchoCave"section, for moreinformation.
Barthen'sNews.If the charactersask Barthen how
business is going,the shopkeepertellsthem thatthe
Redbrands are makingit hardon everyone, shaking down
localbusinesses andfloutingthe townmaster's authority.
If the charactersseemof a mindto do somethingabout
it, he tellsthem thatthe Redbrandsfrequent the Sleeping
Gianttap house.
Daran Edermath is a retiredadventurer wholivesin a
tidylittlecottage beside an appleorchard. A fit, silver-
haired half-elfwellovera hundred years old,Daran is a
fighterwhoserved as a marshal andherald for manyyears
in the landsof the DragonCoast, far to the southeast.
Uponretiring, he returnedto the Neverwinterregion, his
original home.
Daran is a memberof the Orderof the Gauntlet,a
devoutandvigilantgroup thatseeks to protect others from
the depredationsof evildoers.Theorder is alwaysvigilant,
ready to smiteevil,enforce justice, andenact retribution
against anywhotry to subjugateor harmothers. Though
he is no longeractivein the order,he keepsan eye on
happenings around Phandalin. He is happyto trade news
withfellowadventurers, especially those whoappear to
holdto thesevirtues.
Daran is concerned aboutthe Redbrands,andhe would
liketo see a groupof adventurers teach the ruffians a
lesson. He tellsthe charactersthatit's timesomeone took
a stand against the Redbrands'leader, Glasstaff. Daran
knowsthe Redbrandshangaround the SleepingGianttap
house,but he canalsotell the charactersthatthe main
Redbrand safehouse liesunder Tresendar Manor, the
ruinat the eastedge of town.(Seethe "TresendarManor"
section for moreinformation.)
Quest:Old OwlTrouble.Daran hasheard stories
fromprospectors in the hillsnortheast of Phandalinthat
someone is diggingaround in the ruinsknown as Old
OwlWel!.Moredisturbingly, severalprospectors have
reported being chased fromthe areaby undead.He asks
the charactersto visitthe ruins,a coupledaysmarch
northeast of Phandalin, andfindout who'sthere and
whatthey're up to. Daran knowsthatthe ruinsare an
old watchtower of an ancientmagical empire known as
Netheril, andhe worriesthatdangerous magic mightbe
dormant there. If the partypursues thisquest, see"Old
OwlWell"(page 29).
If the partydealswiththe Redbrandsandinvestigates Old
OwlWell,Daran Edermath privately approaches certain
members of the groupto urgethem to jointhe Orderof the
Gauntlet. He speakswiththose whoexemplifythe virtues
of the order,suchas honor andvigilance. If a character
agrees, Daran awards the personthe titleof Cheval!.
Hanging above the front door of thismodest trading post is
a signshaped like a wooden shield witha blue lion painted
on it.
Thisbuilding is owned by the Lionshields,a merchant
company based in the cityofYartar, overa hundred miles
to the east.Theyshipfinished goodsto Phandalin and
other smallsettlements throughout the region,but this
outpost hasbeen hard hit by banditry.Themostrecent
Lionshield caravan duein Phandalin neverarrived. (It was
attacked andits cargocaptured by the Cragmawgoblins.)