defeator driveoff the tribe's chieftain. Sildar suggests the
partymight findthe castleby searching the landsaround
the Triboar Trailfor moreraiding parties (see"Wilderness
Encounters" in the "Triboar Trail"section of part 3).
Quest:FindingIarno.Afterquestioning several locals,
Sildar learns that larnoAlbrek, a fellowmember of the
Lords' Alliance, disappeared while exploring the area
around Tresendar Manorabout twomonths ago,shortly
afterarriving in Phandalin. Sildar asksthe characters to
investigate the manor andthe surrounding areato find
andbring backlarno-or what's left of him,if something
killedhim.Sildar describes larno as "a short,dark-
bearded human wizard in his thirties."
Unknown to Sildar, larno created the Redbrands,
installed himself as their leader, andtookthe alias
Glasstaff to conceal his identity.(TheRedbrands callhim
thatbecause he carries a glass staff.)Oncehe learns the
truth about larno, Sildar expresses a desire to havethe
wizard captured andtransported to Neverwinter to face
the judgment of a higher authority. Regardless of Iarno's
fate,Sildar rewards the partywith 200 gp for eliminating
the Redbrand threat.
If the partyeliminates the goblinthreat fromCragmaw
Castleor uncovers larno's treachery, SildarHallwinter
privatelyapproaches certain members of the groupto urge
themto jointhe Lords'Alliance.He speaks withthosewho
exemplifya desire for the security of civilizationthrough
action.If a character agrees, SildarHallwinter awards the
individual the titleof Cloak.
Morea castle thana house, Tresendar Manor stands at
the eastedge of townon a lowhillside amidwoods and
thickets. Theancient manor haslongbeen abandoned,
but its cellars havebeenconverted intoa Redbrand
stronghold. If the characters investigate thisplace,they
findthe entrance to the Redbrand hideout.
Within a dayor so of the adventurers' arrival in Phandalin,
a confrontation withthe Redbrands becomes inevitable.
Thiscanhappen in a number of different ways:
Afterspeaking witha number of NPCs in town,the
characters decideto confront the Redbrands at the
Sleeping Giant tap house.
Thecharacters decideto investigate Tresendar Manor.
Skipthe encounter andgo straight to "Redbrand
If the characters show no interest in the Redbrands, a
gangof the ruffians seeks them out andpicksa fightin
street. Runthisencounter as the characters are leaving
oneof the locations in the town.
If the characters confront the Redbrands at the
Sleeping Giant,read:
The Sleeping Giant is a ramshackle taproom at the east end
of town. Fourhuman ruffians linger on the covered porch,
perched on empty ale barrels or leaning against the wall.They
all weargrimyscarlet cloaks, their sullen stares fixedon you
as you approach.
Oneof the thugsspits on the ground. "Well,well,"he
snarls. "Here's a whole packof littlepuppies. Whatdo you
want, puppies? Come hereto barkat us?"
If the Redbrands confront the characters in the
street, read:
As you head backinto the street, you see fourarmed ruffians
waiting for you.All of them are humans wearing grimyred
cloaks, their hands on theirweapons as theywatchyou.
Oneof the ruffians spits on the ground. "Timefor you to
moveon, strangers. Giveus yourstuff,and be on yourway."
Continue the insults andbaiting as longas youlike.The
Redbrands attack in a round or twoif the characters
don't.Neither sideis surprised, because it's obviousthat a
fightis brewing.
Thegroup consists of fourRedbrand ruffians.If
three of themare defeated, the lastonefleestoward
Tresendar Manor.
Redbrands whoare captured or charmed by the
characters canimpart useful information. (Seethe "What
the Redbrands Know"sidebar on page 20.)Townmaster
Harbin Wester won'twantto keepRedbrand prisoners
untilhe knowsthe wholeganghasbeen defeated,
but the characters caneasily persuade or intimidate
himintolockingup anyprisoners theycapture for at
leasta fewdays.
If the characters kill the ruffians, mostmembers of the
townare grateful. Oneexception is the townmaster, who
fearsRedbrand retaliation. Harbin doesn't punish the
characters but warns them not to causetrouble.
Divide 400 XP equallyamong the characters if the party
defeats the ruffians.
Afterthe "Redbrand Ruffians" encounter, the players shouldfeel
it's timeto dealwiththe rest of the gang.Iftheyaren't clearthat
investigating the Redbrand hideout should be their nextmove,
haveone ofthe NPCsthey'vealreadymetin town makethe
suggestion directlyand pointthem toward Tresendar Manor.
If the players wantto followother leadsin the area, it's okayto
moveon to part 3 of the adventure and let the ruffians wait.The
nexttimethe characters returnto Phandalin, makeit clearthat
the Redbrands are causing evenmoretrouble, and thatthey
needto be dealtwith.