Thisbookis written for the DungeonMaster. It contains
a complete DUNGEONS& DRAGONSadventure, as well
as descriptions for everycreature andmagic itemthat
appears in the adventure. It alsointroduces the worldof
the ForgottenRealms, oneof the game'smostenduring
settings, andit teaches youhowto runa D&Dgame.
The smaller bookthataccompanies this one(hereafter
called"therulebook") contains the rulesyouneed to
adjudicate situations thatarise during the adventure.
Runningthe Adventure
LostMineof Phandelver is an adventurefor fourto five
characters of 1st level.During the courseof the adventure,
the characterswilladvance to 5th level.Theadventure
is set a shortdistance fromthe cityof Neverwinter in the
Sword Coastregion of the ForgottenRealms setting. The
SwordCoast is partof the North-avastrealm of free
settlements surrounded by wilderness and adventure.
Youdon'tneedto be a Forgotten Realms expert to runthe
adventure; everything youneedto know aboutthe setting
is contained in this book.
If thisis yourfirsttimerunning a D&Dadventure, read
"TheDungeon Master" section; it willhelpyoubetter
understand yourroleandresponsibilities.
The "Background" section tellsyoueverything youneed
to knowto set up the adventure. The "Overview" section
describes howthe adventure is expected to run andgives
youa broad sense of what the playercharacters should be
doingat anygiventime.
TheDungeon Master (DM)hasa special rolein the
TheDMis a referee. When it's not clearwhatoughtto
happen next,the DMdecides howto applythe rulesand
keep the storygoing.
TheDMis a narrator. The DMsetsthe paceof the story
and presents the various challenges and encounters the
players must overcome. TheDMis the players'interface
to the D&Dworld, as wellas the onewhoreads (and
sometimes alsowrites) the adventureand describes what
happens in response to the clJaracters'actions.
TheDMplays monsters. TheDMplaysthe monsters
andvillains the adventurers battle against, choosing their
actions and rollingdicefor theirattacks. TheDMalso
playsthe partof all the othercharacters the playersmeet
in the courseof theiradventures, likethe prisonerin the
goblinlairor the innkeeper in town.
Whoshould be the DMfor yourgaming group?Whoever
wants to be! Theperson whohasthe mostdriveto pulla
group together and start up a gameoftenendsup being
the DMby default, but thatdoesn't haveto be the case.
Although the DMcontrols the monstersandvillains -
the adventure,the relationshipbetween the players and
the DMisn'tadversarial. TheDM'sjob is to challenge the
characters withinteresting encounters andtests,keep me
gamemoving,and applythe rulesfairly.
Themostimportant thingto remember about being
a goodDMis thatthe rules are a toolto helpyouhavea
goodtime.The rulesaren't in charge. You'rethe DM-
you'rein charge of the game.Guide the playexperience
andthe useof the rulesso thateverybody hasfun.
Manyplayers of DUNGEONS& DRAGONSfindthatbeing
the DMis the bestpart of the game.Withthe information
in thisadventure, you'llbe preparedto take on thatrole
for yourgroup.
As theDungeon Master, youare the finalauthority when it
comes to rules questions or disputes during the game. Here are
some guidelines to helpyouarbitrate issues as theycome up.
When in doubt, make it up! It's betterto keepthe
game moving than to get bogged down in the rules.
It's not a competition. TheDMisn't competing against the
player characters. You'rethere to run the monsters, referee the
rules, andkeepthe storymoving.
It's a shared story. It's the group'sstory,so let the players
contribute to the outcome through the actions of their
characters. DUNGEONS& DRAGONSis about imagination and
coming together to tell a storyas a group. Let the players
participate in the storytelling.
Be consistent. If youdecide thata ruleworks a certain wayin
onesession, makesure it works thatwaythe nexttime it comes
Make sureeveryone is involved. Ensure everycharacter has
a chance to shine. If some players are reluctant to speak up,
remember to ask them whattheir characters are doing.
Be fair.Useyourpowers as Dungeon Master onlyfor good.
Treatthe rulesandtheplayers in a fair andimpartial manner.
Payattention. Makesureyoulookaround the table
occasionally to see if the game is goingwell.If everyone seems
to be having fun,relaxandkeep going. If the funis waning, it
might be timefor a break, or youcantry to liventhings up.
The adventure oftentellsyouwhatabilitychecks
characters mighttry in a certainsituation andthe
DifficultyClass(DC)of those checks. Sometimes
adventurers try things thatthe adventurecan'tpossibly
anticipate. It's up to youto decide whether theirattempts
are successful. If it seems likeanyone should havean
easytimedoingit, don'taskfor an abilitycheck;just