SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Descriptive Chemistry of Some Common Gases

There are certain miscellaneous facts on the properties of some common gases that one needs to
be aware of for the SAT Subject Test: Chemistry. These properties are exploited in qualitative tests
designed to detect their presence:

CO 2    (g) +   H 2 O   (l)     H 2 CO 3    (aq)

When carbon dioxide is passed through limewater, Ca(OH) 2 , the solution turns cloudy from the
formation of insoluble calcium carbonate:

CO 2    +   Ca(OH) 2    →   CaCO 3  +   H 2 O

The precipitation of calcium carbonate, however, does not go on indefinitely. As just mentioned,
water containing CO 2 is slightly acidic, and this causes the calcium carbonate to dissolve:

CaCO 3  (s) +   H 2 O   (l) +   CO 2    (g) →   Ca2+    (aq)    +   2HCO 3 –    (aq)


Oxygen: molecular   oxygen, O 2 ,   is  a   reactant    in  combustion  reactions.  If  a   glowing splint  is
lowered into a test tube containing oxygen, it will reignite.
Hydrogen: when ignited in air, hydrogen, H 2 , burns with a blue flame.
Nitrogen: N 2 , the largest component of air (a little less than 80% by volume), is relatively inert.
Carbon dioxide: CO 2 gives a moderately acidic solution when dissolved in water because of the

Measurement of  Gas Pressures
Boyle’s Law
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