SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . E

Boyle’s law states  that    when    a   gas is  held    at  constant    temperature,    its pressure    and volume  are
inversely proportional. This means that as the pressure increases, the volume decreases, and
vice versa. Of the answer choices, the only one that involves both pressure and volume—in
addition to a controlled variation of one of the variables—is choice E. When a balloon is placed
in a bell jar, the volume of the balloon will increase as a vacuum is being drawn in the jar.
Boyle’s law can be used to predict this behavior.

2 . C
This question is an application of Charles’s law, which states that at constant pressure, the
volume and temperature of a gas will vary in direct proportion to each other. If a 50 L volume
of gas is heated from standard temperature, which is 273 K, to two times standard
temperature, 576 K, the volume will double as well. Therefore, the volume of the gas will
increase from 50 L to 100 L.

3 .  74
Using the ideal gas law, we can determine the number of moles of the gas:

The molecular   weight, or  molar   mass,   of  the gas can then    be  found   by  dividing    the mass    of  the
gas by the number of moles it contains: 2.5 g/0.034 mol = 74 g/mol.

4 . The conditions  that    define  an  ideal   gas are low pressure    and high    temperature.    Under   these
conditions, the ideal gas assumption that gas molecules have no intermolecular forces and
occupy no volume is most valid.
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