SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Review Questions

1 . Given   the following   reaction:

2NO 2    (g)    +   2H 2    (g) →   N 2  (g)    +   2H 2 O  (g),

what    is  the law of  mass    action  equation?

2 . If  Kc  >>  1,

(A) the equilibrium mixture will    favor   products    over    reactants
(B) the equilibrium mixture will favor reactants over products
(C) the equilibrium amounts of reactants and products are equal
(D) the reaction is irreversible

3 . Answer  the following   questions   using   the reaction    given   below.

CH 3 OH (l) +   H 2     (g) →   CH 4     (g)    +   H 2 O   (l)

If  the reaction    releases    energy, in  which   direction   would   the reaction    be  shifted if  the
temperature were increased?


(B) In  which   direction   would   the reaction    be  shifted if  the volume  were    doubled?
In which direction would the reaction be shifted if CH 4 , methane, were removed from
the reaction vessel?


4 . What    is  the concentration   of  the Ag+ ion in  a   saturated   solution    of  AgCl?   (Ksp    for AgCl    =   1.7
× 10 −10)
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