SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . C

An  adiabatic   process is  one in  which   no  heat    flow    takes   place.  An  isothermal  process is  one in
which the temperature remains the same. An isobaric process is one in which the pressure
remains the same. An isometric process is one in which the volume remains the same.

2 . A
In calorimetry, the amount of heat absorbed in a given process is calculated using the
following equation:

q   =   mc∆T
Knowing that the heat absorbed is 100 cal, the mass is 10 g, and the temperature change is
30°C, the specific heat can be calculated:

3 . C

The reaction    given   is  a   formation   reaction,   since   the reactant    N 2     is  in  its stable  elemental   state
(gaseous dimer). The enthalpy of the change of the reaction is the enthalpy of formation of N,
except that since two moles of N are formed, we need to divide the value by two to get the
value per mole.

4 . C
To answer this question, the ice must be imagined as passing through the following stages: ice
from –15°C to ice at 0°C; ice at 0°C to water at 0°C; water from 0°C to water at 100°C; water at
100°C to steam at 100°C; steam at 100°C to steam at 110°C. Once these steps have been
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