SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . B

Radioactivity   is  a   first-order process.    After   three   half-lives, the concentration   of  the sample  will
be , or , of the original.

2 . D

In  order   for a   64  g   sample  to  decay   to  one-eighth  of  its original    activity,   or  8   g,  the sample
would have to go through three half-lives. Therefore, the amount of time needed for the decay
is 3 × 15 = 45 hours.

3 . First,  the general rate    equation    must    be  written out.    It  is:

rate    =   k[A]x[B]y


k   = the   rate    constant
x = the order with respect to reactant A
y = the order with respect to reactant B

x   =   2
To solve for x, it is necessary to find two trials in which B is held constant; here,
experiments 1 and 3. The data shows that if the concentration of A is doubled, the rate
increases by a factor of 4. Thus, the rate varies as the square of the concentration of A.
The order is therefore equal to 2.


B. y    =   0.5
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