SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Match   the substance   with    its correct oxidation   number  below.


Example: Assign oxidation   numbers to  the atoms   in  the following   reaction    in  order   to
determine the oxidized and reduced species and the oxidizing and reducing agents.

SnCl 2  +   PbCl 4   →  SnCl 4  +   PbCl 2

Solution: All   these   species are neutral,    so  the oxidation   numbers of  all the atoms   in  each
compound must add up to zero. In SnCl 2 , since there are two chlorines present, and
chlorine has an oxidation number of −1, Sn must have an oxidation number of +2.
Similarly, the oxidation number of Sn in SnCl 4 is +4; the oxidation number of Pb is
+4 in PbCl 4 and +2 in PbCl 2 . Notice that the oxidation number of Sn goes from +2 to
+4; i.e., it loses electrons and thus is oxidized, making it the reducing agent. Since
the oxidation number of Pb has decreased from +4 to +2, it has gained electrons and
been reduced. Pb is the oxidizing agent. The sum of the charges on both sides of the

1. Na+
2. Cu2+
3. Cl−
4. Fe3+^
(A) −1
(B) +3
(C) +2
(D) +1

1. = (D)

2. = (C)

3. = (A)

4. = (B)

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