SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4 . The standard reduction potential of Cr3+ (aq) + 3e− → Cr (s) is −0.74 V. The standard
reduction potential of Cl 2 (g) + 2e− → 2 Cl− (aq) is 1.36 V.

Based   on  the information given,  it  must    be  true    that:

Cl 2    is  more    easily  oxidized    than    Cr3+,   and Cl 2    is  thus    a   better  oxidizing   agent   than


Cl 2    is  more    easily  oxidized    than    Cr3+,   and Cl 2    is  thus    a   better  reducing    agent   than


Cl 2    is  more    easily  reduced than    Cr3+,   and Cl 2    is  thus    a   better  reducing    agent   than


Cl 2    is  more    easily  reduced than    Cr3+,   and Cl 2    is  thus    a   better  oxidizing   agent   than


5 . The standard reduction potential of Cu2+ (aq) is +0.34 V. What is the oxidation potential of
Cu (s)?

(A) +0.68   V
(B) +0.34 V
(C) −0.34 V
(D) −0.68 V

6 .

When    the above   half-reactions  are combined    in  a   galvanic    cell,   which   species will    be
reduced and which will be oxidized?
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