SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . D

Avogadro’s  number  (6.022  ×   10^23 ) defines the number  of  particles   present in  1   mole    of
anything. So there are 6.022 × 10^23 electrons in 1 mole of electrons.

2 . B

The reduction   of  one mole    of  Ni2+    to  1   mole    of  Ni  (s) requires    2   moles   of  electrons.  The transfer
of 1 mole of electrons is equivalent to the transfer of 1 F of charge. Therefore, since 2 moles of
electrons are required to reduce 1 mole of Ni2+, 2 F are required.

3 . B
In order to solve this problem, first determine the number of moles of Au present in 0.600 g.

Next,   determine   the number  of  moles   of  electrons   used    to  reduce  Au3+    (aq)    to  0.00300 mol of
Au (s). From the given reduction half-reaction of Au, it is evident that for every mole of Au3+, 3
moles of electrons are transferred in order to produce 1 mole of Au (s); therefore,

Finally,    convert 0.00900 mol e−  to  its equivalent  in  C:
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