SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Review Questions

1 . Element  is formed  as  a   result  of  3   α   and  2   β– decays. Which   of  the following   is  the
parent element?





2 . Element X   is  radioactive and decays  via α   decay   with    a   half-life   of  4   days.   If  12.5%   of  an
original sample of element X remains after N days, determine N.


3 . A   patient undergoing  treatment   for thyroid cancer  receives    a   dose    of  radioactive iodine
(^131 I), which has a half-life of 8.05 days. If the original dose contained 12 mg of ^131 I, what
mass of ^131 I remains after 16.1 days?


4 . In  an  exponential decay,  if  the natural logarithm   of  the ratio   of  intact  nuclei  (n) at  time    t   to
the intact nuclei at time t = 0 (n 0 ) is plotted against time, what does the slope of the graph
correspond to?
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