SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(A) 1.0

(B) 2.0

(C) 2.5

(D) 3.0

(E) 7.0

43 . A Faraday is

(A) the magnitude   of  the charge  of  1   mole    of  electrons
(B) the magnitude of the electric dipole
(C) a fundamental constant of nature equal to 6.63 × 10–34 J.s/photon
(D) a constant that accounts for the existence of ions in solution
(E) the assignment of charges to individual atoms

44 . Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the entropy of a system?

(A) Entropy is  a   measure of  the randomness  in  a   system.
(B) The entropy of an amorphous solid is greater than that of a crystalline solid.
(C) The entropy of a spontaneous reaction cannot decrease.
(D) The entropy of an isolated system will spontaneously increase or remain constant.
(E) The entropy of a liquid is generally greater than that of a solid.

45 . How many grams of O 2 will it take to oxidize 88 grams of C 3 H 8 to CO and H 2 O?

(A) 32
(B) 64
(C) 112
(D) 166
(E) 224

46 . Which of the following combinations represents an element with a net charge of +1 with a
mass number of 75?

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