SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
heating,    33.632  grams,  from    the mass    of  crucible,   cover   and sample  after   heating,    33.376

33.632  grams   −   33.376  grams   =   0.256   grams   of  water

The 0.256   grams   of  water   is  then    divided by  the 18  g/mole, the molar   mass    of  water,  to  provide
the moles of water.

65 . C

The sample  needs   to  be  heated  until   all the water   is  removed from    the original    hydrate
sample. The student needs to continue heating the sample until the mass after heating is
unchanged from the mass prior to the additional heating, indicating all the water has been

66 . B
A buffer solution contains both a weak acid and its conjugate base in significant
concentrations. In each case, decide what species will be present in the solution; in each, the
substances will react with each other. You can mark off C and E right away, since they contain
only strong acids and bases; you can’t make a buffer with no weak acid or base present.

A:  the reaction    will    produce 0.1 mol of  HSO 3 − and leave   0.1 mol H+. Not a   buffer.

B:  the NaOH    is  the limiting    reactant;   the solution    will    contain 0.2 mol F−  and 0.2 mol leftover
HF, a weak acid. The solution will act as a buffer.

D:  NH 3    is  the limiting    reactant;   all the NH 3    will    be  converted   to  NH 4 +, a   weak    acid,   leaving 0.2
mol HCl, a strong acid. There is no conjugate base present and therefore no buffer.

67 . D
For a second-order reaction,

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