SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The aggregation of solvent molecules around a solute particle in the process of dissolution.


The component of a solution present in the greatest amount; the substance in which the solute is

Specific heat

The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by 1°C.


The characteristic wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by an object,
atom, or molecule.

Spin quantum number (ms)

The fourth quantum number, indicating the orientation of the intrinsic angular momentum of an

electron in an atom. The spin quantum number can only assume values of or .

Spontaneous process

A process that will occur on its own without energy input from the surroundings.

Standard conditions

Conditions defined as 25°C and 1 M concentration for each reactant in solution, and a partial
pressure of 1 atm for each gaseous reactant. Used for measuring the standard Gibbs free energy,
enthalpy, entropy, and cell EMF.

Standard free energy (G°)

The Gibbs free energy for a reaction under standard conditions. See Gibbs free energy.

Standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)

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