SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Base dissociation constant (Kb)
The equilibrium constant that measures the degree of dissociation for a base under specific
conditions. For a base BOH:

Basic anhydride

Basic   anhydride
An oxide that dissolves in water to form a basic solution.

Basic solution

Basic solution
An aqueous solution that contains more OH– ions than H+ ions. The pH of a basic solution is
greater than 7 at 25°C.

Beta (β) particle

Beta    (β) particle
An electron produced and ejected from the nucleus during radioactive beta decay.

Binding energy

Binding energy
The energy required to break a nucleus apart into its constituent neutrons and protons.

Bohr model

Bohr model
The model of the hydrogen atom postulating that atoms are composed of electrons that assume
certain circular orbits about a positive nucleus.

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