SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Colligative properties
Those properties of solutions that depend only on the number of solute particles present but
not on the nature of those particles. See Boiling-point elevation; Freezing-point depression; Vapor-
pressure lowering.

Common ion effect

Common ion effect
A shift in the equilibrium of a solution due to the addition of ions of a species already present in
the reaction mixture.


A pure substance that can be decomposed to produce elements, other compounds, or both.


The amount of solute per unit of solvent (denoted by square brackets), or the relative amount of
one component in a mixture.

Conjugate acid-base pair

Conjugate   acid-base   pair
Brønsted-Lowry acid and base related by the transfer of a proton, e.g., H 2 CO 3 and HCO 3 –.

Coordination complex

Coordination complex
A compound in which a central metal atom or ion is bonded by coordinate covalent bonds to
other atoms or groups.

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