SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

their standard states.

Heat of fusion (∆Hfus)

Heat    of  fusion  (∆Hfus)
The ∆H for the conversion of a solid to a liquid.

Heat of sublimation (∆Hsub)

Heat    of  sublimation (∆Hsub)
The ∆H for the conversion of a solid directly to a gas.

Heat of vaporization (∆Hvap)

Heat    of  vaporization    (∆Hvap)
The ∆H for the conversion of a liquid to a vapor.

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Heisenberg uncertainty principle
The principle that states that it is impossible to simultaneously determine with perfect accuracy
both the momentum and position of a particle.

Henry’s law

Henry’s law
The law stating that the mass of a gas that dissolves in a solution is directly proportional to the
partial pressure of the gas above the solution.

Hess’s law

Hess’s  law
The law stating that the energy change in an overall reaction is equal to the sum of the energy
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