SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4 . E

Testing the point   (3,0)   in  each    of  the answer  choices,    we  find    that    this    point   is  not on  the
graphs of choices (A), (B), and (D). Therefore, we can eliminate them. Looking at choices (C)
and (E), for any x > 3, the graph of (C) is negative, so choice (C) can be eliminated. Therefore,
choice (E) must be correct.

5 . C
The function will be undefined for any values of x that make the denominator zero or that
make the expression under the radical negative. The denominator is zero when

The expression  under   the radical is  negative    when

So  the function    is  undefined   when    x   ≤   −1  or  when    x   ≥    1.

6 . D
You might think this one can’t be done because it does not tell you exactly what the function
is that you want the inverse of.

It  just    says    the slope   is   ,  but,    in  fact,   it  doesn’t actually    ask for the inverse function;   it  just
asks for the slope.

You can spot    the correct answer  immediately if  you remember    how the slopes  of  inverse
functions are related: They’re reciprocals.

You can still   find    the answer  without remembering that    relationship.   You know    the slope   of
f(x) is .
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