SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Finally, focus on Example 3, which asks for what must be true. Form the contrapositive by both
flipping and negating the if and the then. Flipping them produces, If a zic is not a zoc, then a zic is a
zac. Now negate the terms: If a zic is a zoc, then a zic is not a zac.

The answer is (A).


Solving a word problem means taking a situation that is described verbally and turning it into one
that is described mathematically. It means translating from English into algebra, which is exactly
what Example 4 asks you to do.

Example 4

With intricate word problems such as this, invest time in reading the question stem closely, and
perhaps even in reading it twice, to ensure that you understand not only the general situation and
what’s asked for, but also nuances. In this case, for example, notice that you’re asked for the answer
in cents, so begin the translation process by expressing the 2-dollar initial charge as 200 (cents).
Note that this amount pays for the first half pound.

A   delicatessen    charges for a   certain type    of  salad   at  a   rate    of  2   dollars for the first   half    pound
and 75 cents for each additional half pound. Which of the following expressions represents the
total charge, in cents, for p pounds of the salad, where p is a positive integer?


(A) 25(6p   +   8)

(B) 25(6p   +   5)

(C) 25(3p   +   5)

(D) 1.25    +   1.5p

(E) 2   +   0.75(p  –   1)
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