SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

On Monday, the athlete lifted some amount of weight—call it w—some number of times—call it t.
The total weight moved, then, is wt:

Monday Wednesday Friday
weight per lift w
number of lifts t
total weight moved wt

On Wednesday, the weight per lift increased by 20 percent—that is, 1.0w + 0.2w—while the number
of lifts decreased by 25 percent—that is, 1.0t – 0.25t:

Monday Wednesday Friday
weight per lift w 1.2w
number of lifts t 0.75t
total weight moved wt

The weight per lift on Friday was 25 percent more than the weight per lift on Wednesday, while the
number of lifts on Friday was 40 percent fewer than the number of lifts on Wednesday. In other
words, 1.2w was increased by (0.25)(1.2w), so 1.2w + 0.3w = 1.5w, and 0.75t was decreased by (0.4)
(0.75t), so 0.75t – 0.3t = 0.45t:

Monday Wednesday Friday
weight per lift w 1.2w 1.5w
number of lifts t 0.75t 0.45t
total weight moved wt

Using your calculator, compute the total weight moved on Friday: (1.5w)(0.45t) = 0.675wt.

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