SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
rate × time = distance
Leg 1 r t rt

Leg 2 1.5r 1.5t 2.25rt

Establish   the average speed   for the entire  journey:

Finally,    focus   on  the exact   wording of  what    you’re  asked:  the percent by  which   1.3r    is  greater
than r. You could use the percent change formula, but no need: 1.3r is what percent greater
than 1.0r ? It is 0.3, or 30%.

Picking Numbers is  also    a   great   strategy    for this    question.   Letting r   =   10  and t   =    10     enables
you to slice through the intricacies of the question in seconds!

8 . E
An understandable but fruitless first reaction to this question is to draw a circle and then
some triangles within it; before long, the lines become an indecipherable mass. There must
be another solution. Think a bit more abstractly about what’s happening mathematically
when you take ten points and make triangles: you’re essentially chunking a group of 10 into
subgroups of 3. Similarly, when you make heptagons in this circle, you chunk subgroups of 7
from a group of 10. So the number of triangles is

And the number  of  heptagons   is  also     .  No  need    to  work    out the value   of  this    expression;
it must have a value of 120, because it’s equivalent to the expression representing the
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