SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Find Your Study Plan

The answer key shows where in this chapter to find explanations for the
questions you missed. Here’s how you should proceed based on your
Diagnostic Test score.

5: Superb! You have a solid grasp of the essentials of solid geometry, and if
you’re pressed for time, you might consider skipping this chapter. If you want
to try your hand at a few more solid geometry questions, go straight to the
Follow-Up Test at the end of this chapter.

3–4: Good! If you can get three or four of these relatively difficult questions
right, then you have a decent understanding of solid geometry. If you’re
pressed for time, you might consider skipping this chapter. You might want to
look over the parts of this chapter that deal with the one or two questions you
didn’t get right. If you just want to try your hand at a few more solid geometry
questions, go straight to the Follow-Up Test at the end of this chapter.

0–2: Solid geometry is not your forte right now, but since it accounts for only
three or four questions on the test, it may not be worth worrying about. If
you’re pressed for time and are confident with the other test topics, you might
consider skipping this chapter. But if you have the time, you should read the
rest of this chapter, study the examples, and then try the Follow-Up Test at
the end of the chapter.

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