SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Use the Structure of the Test to Your


The SAT subject tests are different from the tests that you’re used to taking.
On your high school tests, you probably go through the questions in order.
You probably spend more time on hard questions than on easy ones, since
hard questions are generally worth more points. And you often show your
work since your teachers tell you that how you approach questions is as
important as getting the right answers.

None of this applies to the SAT subject tests. You can benefit from moving
around within the tests, hard questions are worth the same as easy ones, and
it doesn’t matter how you calculate the answers—only what your answers are.



You might have heard it said that the SAT subject test has a “guessing
penalty.” That’s a misnomer. It’s really a wrong-answer penalty. If you guess
wrong, you get a small penalty. If you guess right, you get full credit.

The fact is, if you can eliminate one or more answer choices as definitely
wrong, you’ll turn the odds in your favor and actually come out ahead by
guessing. The fractional points that you lose are meant to offset the points

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