SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

100 Essential Math Concepts

The math on the SAT subject tests covers a lot of ground—from arithmetic to
algebra to geometry.

Don’t let yourself be intimidated. We’ve highlighted the 100 most important
concepts that you’ll need for Math 1 and listed them in this chapter.

Use this list to remind yourself of the key areas you’ll need to know. Do four
concepts a day, and you’ll be ready within a month. If a concept continually
causes you trouble, circle it and come back to it as you try to do the questions.

You’ve probably been taught most of these concepts in school already, so this
list is a great way to refresh your memory.


1 . Number  Categories
Integers are whole numbers; they include negative whole numbers and

A   rational    number  is  a   number  that    can be  expressed   as  a   ratio   of  two
integers. Irrational numbers are real numbers—they have locations on the
number line—but they can’t be expressed precisely as a fraction or decimal.
The most important irrational numbers are and π.
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