SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

One way to compare fractions is to re-express them with a common

denominator. and is greater than so is greater

than Another method is to convert them both to decimals: converts

to 0.75, and converts to approximately 0.714.

25 . Converting Fractions and Decimals
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the bottom into the top. To

convert divide 8 into 5, yielding 0.625.

To convert a decimal to a fraction, set the decimal over 1 and multiply the
numerator and denominator by 10 raised to the number of digits which
are to the right of the decimal point.

To convert 0.625 to a fraction, you would multiply by

Then simplify:

26 . Repeating Decimal
To find a particular digit in a repeating decimal, note the number of digits
in the cluster that repeats. If there are 2 digits in that cluster, then every
second digit is the same. If there are 3 digits in that cluster, then every third

digit is the same. And so on. For example, the decimal equivalent of is
0.037037037..., which is best written There are 3 digits in the
repeating cluster, so every third digit is the same. To find the 50th digit,
look for the multiple of 3 just less than 50—that’s 48. The 48th digit is 7, and
with the 49th digit, the pattern repeats with 0. The 50th digit is 3.

27 . Identifying the Parts and the Whole

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