International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

——and Moon, M. (1994) Childhood Re-Collected: Early Children’s Books from the Library of
Marjorie Moon, Royston: Provincial Book Fairs Association.
Avery, G. (1994) Behold the Child: American Children and Their Books 1621–1922 London: Bodley
——and Briggs, J. (1989) Children and their Books. A Celebration of the Work of Iona and Peter
Opie, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Bowers, F. (1966) Textual and Literary Criticism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Butts, D. (1992) Mistress of Our Tears: A Literary and Bibliographical Study of Barbara Hofland,
Aldershot: Scolar Press.
Cadogan, M. with Schutte, D. (1990) The William Companion, London: Macmillan.
Campbell, C. (1992) William Nicholson: The Graphic Work, London: Barrie and Jenkins.
Chester, T.R. (1987) Occasional List no. 1: Struwwelpeter, London: The Renier Collection of
Historic and Contemporary Children’s Books, Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood.
Connolly, J. (1988) Modern First Editions: Their Value to Collectors, London: Macdonald Orbis.
Cutt, M.N. (1974) Mrs Sherwood and her Books, London: Oxford University Press.
Darton, F.J.H. (1932/1982) Children’s Books in England: Five Centuries of Social Life, 3rd edn,
rev. B.Alderson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
David, L. (1992) Children’s Books Published by William Darton and his Sons, Bloomington, IN: The
Lilly Library.
Florida State University (1967) Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection, 5 vols., Detroit: Gale Research.
Fraser, J. (1977) ‘Editor’s comment’, Phaedrus 4, 2:3.
Garrett, P. (1994) ‘After Henry’, Children’s Books History Society, Occasional Paper 1, London:
Children’s Books History Society.
Gottlieb, G. (1975) Early Children’s Books and their Illustrators, New York: Pierpont Morgan
Guiliano, E.Lewis Carroll. An Annotated International Bibliography 1960–77, Brighton: Harvester
Harwood, J. (1995) Eliot to Derrida: The Poverty of Interpretation, London: Macmillan.
Horne, A. (1994), The Dictionary of 20th Century British Book Illustrators, Woodbridge: Antique
Collectors’ Club.
Immel, A. (1990) Revolutionary Reviewing: Sarah Trimmer’s ‘Guardian of Education’ and the
Cultural Politics of Juvenile Literature, UCLA Occasional Papers 4, Los Angeles: UCLA.
Jackson, M.V. (1990) Engines of Instruction, Mischief and Magic: Children’s Literature in England
from its Beginning to 1839, Aldershot: Scolar Press.
Johnson, E.L. (1987) For Your Amusement and Instruction: the Elizabeth Ball Collection of
Historical Children’s Materials, Bloomington, IN: The Lilly Library.
Kelly, C.M. (1975) The Brocks: A Family of Cambridge Artists and Illustrators, London: Skilton.
Kirkpatrick, R. (1990) Bullies, Beaks and Flannelled Fools: An Annotated Bibliography of Boys’
School Fiction 1742–1990, privately published.
Lewis, J. (1973) Heath Robinson, Artist and Comic Genius, London: Constable.
Linder, L. (1971) A History of the Writings of Beatrix Potter, London: Warne.
McLean, R. (1976) Joseph Cundall: A Victorian Publisher, Pinner: Private Libraries Association.
Mahoney, B.E. et al. (1947/1958/1968/1978) Illustrators of Childrens Books 1744–1945 (and
supplements to 1978), Boston: The Horn Book.
Martin, D. (1989) The Telling Line: Essays on Fifteen Contemporary Book Illustrators, London:
Moon, M. (1990) Benjamin Tabart’s Juvenile Library: A Bibliography of Books for Children
Published, Written and Sold by Mr Tabart 1801–1920, Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies.
——(1992) John Harris’s Books for Youth 1801–1843, rev. edn, Folkstone: Dawson.


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